Herschel Walker Admitted That He's Played Russian Roulette A Bunch Of Times


I guess there’s nothing you can do but respect the depths Herschel Walker will go to in order to make a point. You come to Herschel Walker’s house and challenge him and there’s a 1 in 6 chance one of you is leaving with a bullet in your head. Perhaps a bit extreme but that’s just how it’s going down, greatness doesn’t stop on the field. You think LeBron is competitive enough to risk blowing his brains out to prove a point because someone took the big piece of chicken or picked Yoshi in Mario Kart before he could? No chance. Just doesn’t have that heart.


I also love how Herschel made sure to clarify that the Russian Roulette days were not his low point while Le Batard and Bomani Jones are baffled at how it wasn’t. No shit it wasn’t his low point, he punked dudes out AND took a big shit squarely in death’s face. Insane behavior or not, there’s no way you’re filing that away as anything but a win in the memory banks.

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